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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Faith / Belief

The dictionary defines belief as "confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof". This clearly shows that faith or belief can not be seen, can not be touched but can only be felt. Some examples of belief could be belief in God, belief in religion, belief that the world is round, belief that gravity will pull you down, belief in your principles of being a good human being. 
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Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to Get Success?

Success, as mentioned in the previous post, can be yours, if only you desire it badly enough. But still, desire is not the only thing that you need to be successful in life. there are a lot of steps required to be fulfilled before you can attain success. This post discusses just a little bit in detail about the different steps that you need to follow. And that is not all, it still may require certain changes in your own self before you can even think of getting anywhere close to success.

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

What is Success?

"Do you want to be successful?" Ask this question to anybody and you always get the same reply. "Who doesn't?" But ever wondered that the answer is wrong? Come to think about it, you were asked a specific question about YOUR success and you have just generalized the answer. The answer that you are giving is not an answer to whether you want to be successful or not.

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