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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Positive Attitude

All must have heard the story of two men looking at half a glass of water and one man commented that the glass was half empty while the other said that it was half full. The story definitely tells us that there are two sides of a coin and each man can view things differently. Of course, there is no right or wrong answer. The only thing it suggests is the attitude of the person looking at it and we are nobody to comment on anybody's attitude. But 'Attitude' is a 'self-regulatory' (if I may call it that) quality that decides whether you should be rewarded or punished for the attitude that you have. 

It is said that a positive attitude will take you a long way in designing your life for success. A positive attitude ensures that you never lose faith and sight of your dreams and that whatever actions you take, will take you closer to your dreams. A positive attitude will always keep you happy in life and will give you a feeling of contentment. Contentment, without the right attitude, is bad and will make you stop but with the right attitude, you will feel contented, and at the same time will strive towards newer goals. 

Today I want to share with you another story about attitude which is not so common. There was once a man who was the best friend of a big king. He was such a close friend that the king always used to keep him by his side. This man was a very positive man and had the habit of saying, "Whatever happens, happens for the good." One day, while both the king and his friend had gone to a jungle for hunting, a stray arrow came and hit his thumb which was severed from his hand. The king's friend, as was his habit, said, "Whatever happens, happens for the good". The king was very annoyed at this comment and ordered his soldiers to lock up his friend in prison. A couple of months later, the king, again on a hunting trip, was caught by cannibals in the jungle while his soldiers managed to escape. The cannibals decided to offer the king's life to their God for betterment of the tribe. So the king was bathed and just before they were about to sever his head, the chief of the cannibals noticed that his thumb was missing. Being superstitious he ordered his men to leave the king as offering an incomplete body to the God would attract God's wrath. 

The king then went back to the palace and remembered his friend's words and felt bad for his friend. He immediately ordered his release and when the friend was brought before the king, he asked for his forgiveness for having him locked up for months for no fault of his. The friend again muttered, "Whatever happens, happens for the good." The king was amazed at the man's attitude and asked him how being locked up without a fault could be good. To this, the king's friend replied, "If I had not been in prison, I would have been with you when the cannibals captured you."

This clearly indicates that there is a positive behind anything that happens in your life. You just need to find it out. Ask yourself the right questions and you are sure to get the answer. Asking questions like, "Is there anything positive about what happened?" will always get you a NO answer. Instead, rephrase the question to, "If I have to find one GOOD reason why it happened, what would it be?" And your brain is sure to dig out an answer to this. 

This also reminds me of a book written by Norman Vincent Peale by the title, "The Amazing Results of Positive Thinking". Find it, buy it and read it and you will realise how much difference a change in attitude will bring in your life. And I end the post with a quote by the same person which says, "A positive mental attitude is a belief that things are going to turn out well, and that you can overcome any kind of trouble or difficulty."

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Enjoy the journey to success.

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