Success Guaranteed

If you want to live a life you have always dreamt of, if you want to improve your self confidence, look no further! If you are 'dying' for success, this site will give you what you want.

Friday, February 3, 2012


Ever seen a person who comes up to you trying to sell a product and speaks to you very hesitatingly, has certain mannerisms like touching his nose, his mouth or other parts of the face, and can't seem to find the right words which he wants to say to you and is losing eye-contact. On the other hand, I'm sure you must have also come across a person who's very outspoken, looks you straight into the eye, is loud and fluent, has a smile on his face and knows what he is talking about. The only difference between them is the confidence they have on themselves, meaning self-confidence.

Now you would want to know what self-confidence means. Well, the dictionary describes it as "realistic confidence in one's own judgement, power, ability etc." Confidence comes not only on self but in others also. When we talk about having confidence in someone else, its meaning becomes the same as faith/belief

Confidence is directly proportional to the knowledge. The more knowledge you have, the more confident you will be, whether it be confidence in an interview (knowledge about the subject), confidence in a sales meeting (knowledge about the prospect), confidence in a proposal (knowledge about the proposal) etc. Similarly, self-confidence would be the knowledge about yourself, that you have the ability to handle any obstacle, any hurdle that comes in front of you. That you have whatever it takes to come out a winner. 

A good way to start being self-confident in whatever you do is to start from your grooming. It is imperative to wear clean and well-ironed clothes along with polished shoes. Men folk should also pay attention to the tie that they are wearing and the colour of the belt. One thing not be forgotten is to have a good hair cut, have nicely trimmed nails and a freshy shaved face. The day you look like that you automatically will have a spring in your steps and you will walk straight with your chest tucked out. When people see you like this, they automatically start judging you as a self confident person, even if you don't feel so from inside.

To start feeling more confident you would have to work on your physioogy and your thought patterns. Start feeling good, be grateful for all that God has given to you that he hasn't to the millions of people less privileged than you. Be grateful for all the good things that are going to happen with you that day and for all the things that you will get in your lifetime. Start treating other people with love and respect and you will start getting the same, if not more, love and respect from others and you will feel loved and cared for. Do try affirmations because they do help. Every morning speak positive sentences appreciating yourself for all the excellent qualities that you possess. Pretend that you are already the kind of person that you would love to be. Start from simple sentences like "I am the best" to the complex ones like "Thank you, God, for giving me the power to achieve whatever I wish to achieve, the power to become what I want to become and the time to do whatever I want to do. Thank you, God for everything that you have given me.

These are some of the simple things which you must follow, each day, each hour, each minute of your life. Because I would definitely agree with the First Lady of USA, Mrs. Michelle Obama, when she says, "And the one thing I always say is that you have to practice success. Success doesn’t just show up. And if you’re not practicing success today, you won’t wake up in 20 years to be successful because you won’t have developed the habits of success."

You took the right decision to read and reach this far in this article.  Bookmark this page and subscribe to all the articles that are published here by entering your email address in the sidebar.  And believe it or not, in the times to come you will be living the life of your dreams, the life you have always wanted to lead. 

Enjoy the journey to success.

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